TEKNOLOGI PENGENDALI HAYATI Metarhizium anisopliae DAN Beauveria bassiana TERHADAP HAMA KUMBANG KELAPA SAWIT (Oryctes rhinoceros)


  • Dyah Nuning Erawati
  • Irma Wardati


Oryctes rhinoceros has now been readily developed to a notorious pest of young oil palm plantations. Biological agents as controlling oil palm beetle have specific properties such as host specific, located spesific and narrow spectrum that have potential synergies with environment. Therefore, the necessary exploration of oil palm beetle control technology with biological control to increase productivity while maintaining a safe environment quality. The purpose of this study was to exploration of biological control for oil palm beetle with Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana from many localities. This research is compiled in a Randomized Block Design non factorial with some kinds of biological control technology : 1. M. anisopliae Kedu; 2. M. anisopliae Jombang; 3. M. anisopliae Jember; 4. B. bassiana Kedu; 5. B. bassiana Jombang; 6. B. bassiana Jember with spore density applications equally 109/ml. and 7. Chemical insecticide. The result showed that : 1) Biological agents Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana from Kedu, Jombang, Jember had potential as a biological control of O. rhinoceros; 2)


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