
  • Nanik Andayani
  • Dian Nurhayati
  • Muhammad Djabir Saing


.The process of making rome beauty apple through two stages of fermentation, namely the first fermentation by khamir for the formation of alcohol and the second fermentation by acetic acid bacteria which converts alcohol into acetic acid. This research was conducted from July to November 2019, where the research was carried out in the food processing laboratory and Food Analysis Laboratory, State Polytechnic of Jember. The purpose of this research was to obtain acetic acid fermentation with the best conditions (optimum) with the addition of acetobacteraceti microbial concentrations and to get the concentration of Acetobacter aceti Beijerinck IFO 3283 starter and acetic acid fermentation time on the acetic acid levels of the best RomeBeauty apple vinegar, thus produced the quality of vinegar fruits SNI and make Standard Operational Procedures (SOP).Method for this research with a completely randomized design (CRD) using 2 factors, each using 3 levels, obtained 9 treatment units with 3 repetition.Used the treatment factor of addition the number of different concentrations of starter / inoculum acetobacter aceti Beijerinck IFO 3283 (A1 = 20%, A2 = 22,5%, A3 = 25%) and different fermentation times (B1 = 5 days, B2 = 6 days, B3 = 7day).The results showed that the rome beauty apple vinegar by adding the concentration of Acetobacter aceti Beijerinck IFO 3283 inoculum 25% with 5 days fermentation time (A3 B1) produced the highest acetic acid, the value is 4,683%, the highest number of microbes was 2,20 x 108cfu / ml, the smallest alcohol content is 5,1% and smallest sugar content is 7,0%. The Conclusion of this research is production of rome beauty apple vinegar the most effective with the New Brunswick Bioflo / Celligen 115 eppendofffermentortype with the addition of a starter / inoculum Acetobacter aceti Beijerinck IFO 3283 concentration can shorten / accelerate the fermentation of rome beauty apple vinegar to 5 days.


Keywords: Rome Beauty Apple Vinegar, AcetobacterAceti Beijerinck IFO 3283  Concentration.


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