Implementasi Aplikasi Multimedia Flashcard untuk Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Inggris bagi Siswa SD Negeri Rejoagung
Mastery of English vocabulary needs to be improved especially for children. Therefore, learning should be joyful and interesting. One way to improve English vocabulary for children is through flashcard multimedia application. This study aims to identify the improvement of English vocabulary skills of 5th grade students of SD Negeri Rejoagung, Rejoagung Village, Semboro after using flashcard. This research use Quasi Experiment Design with pre test-post test one group design. Population and Sample of the research is the 5th grade students of SD Negeri Rejoagung which consists of 32 students. Therefore, it is used the entire population. The results of the data analysis found that the average score 75.16 before using flashcard multimedia application (pre-test). Then, after using flashcard multimedia application (post-test) the average score is 88,33. So it can be said that the use of flashcard multimedia application for teaching and learning English vocabulary has been running well.
Keywords— Flashcard Multimedia Application, English Vocabulary
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