Penerapan PATH Analysis Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap NET-BENEFIT dan Intensitas Pengguna SIMRS


  • Trismayanti Dwi Puspitasari
  • Dony Setiawan Hendyca Putra
  • Moh.Choirur Roziqin


dr.H Koesnadi Hospital owned by the government in Bondowoso District, East Java. This hospital became referral in the sub-district as well as from neighboring districts. Based on Work Plan data (Renja 2016) dr. H Koesnadi hospital experienced an increase in the number of patients, especially in outpatients to 4.24% from 67,054 people to 69,899 from the previous year. This hospital already used Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) in providing services. HMIS is an effort to present accurate information, timely and support the process of management functions and decision making in providing health services in the hospital. Problems that occur by HMIS users in this Hospital obtained from the interviews are: user satisfaction, net-benefit and user intensity. This research is a quantitative analytical research by using path analysis test using assessing user perception of HMIS. There are many problems in this hospital include: user satisfaction, net-benefit and user intensity. The results of the research are qualified information useful as Decision Support System for hospital directors in developing applications from HMIS. Application development is based on the needs of the hospital as a provider of health services for the community. Specific targets to be achieved from this research a hospital director's decision from the results of the implementation analysis that can be continued by developing HMIS in the medical record electronic area


Keywords— Hospital Management Information System, Net-Benefit, User Intensity, User Satisfaction.



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