Optimalisasi Penggunaan Flashcards Melalui MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) pada Pengajaran Pronunciation
Pronunciation plays a pivotal role in building the students’ speaking skill. In EFL classroom, teachers rarely teach sensitive English in which they assume complicated to be implemented. Yet, the students need to involve in real communication and practices. Though using MALL in the form of cellphone has been discussed repeatedly, the teachers rarely use it in the teaching pronunciation. Thus, the writers wish to present how to teach pronunciation using flashcards through MALL. The article begins addressing a conceptual framework of teaching pronunciation together with the ideas of using flashcards as teaching media. In the next part, the writers flesh out the steps in implementing flashcards through MALL in teaching pronunciation. The writers argue that the use of flashcards through MALL enables the students to be actively involved in communication using correct pronunciation.
Keywords— pronunciation, flashcards, MALL, cellphone
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