Prioritas Implementasi ISO 9001:2015 pada Agribisnis Pembenihan Udang Vannamei


  • Ridwan Iskandar
  • Wenny Dhamayanthi
  • Ida Adha Anrosana Pongoh


Indonesia has joined various trading blocs such as APEC and MEA. The consequences for Indonesia to join in various trading blocs were always produce high quality products that could compete in free market. Indonesia continued to drive various sectors to produce high quality products, including the fisheries sector. Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was one high value export commodities. Indonesia's vannamei shrimp production volume continued to increase but Indonesia was only supplying world shrimp demand of 12.1%. This lack of supply has been linked to higher competition in world trade in vannamei shrimp. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the production management system to improve the high quality production consistently. It needs research to answer the competition problem. The main priority of research was upstream sector, namely in process of vannamei shrimp seeding, given the quality of vannamei shrimp export was determined by seed quality. This research was a case study at certified vannamei shrimp seed producers in Situbondo-Indonesia.

This research purpose was to improve the quality of vannamei shrimp seeding process which was done through sustainable quality improvement based on ISO 9001: 2015.

The samples were chosen purposively (purposive sampling), consisting of vannamei shrimp seeding managers and experts from universities.The research procedures were self assessment and pairwise assessment of ISO 9001: 2015 clause.

Based on implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system, vannamei shrimp agribusiness readiness level of Situbondo was included in fair category, meaning that some elements of company system were suitable with standard of ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system. The main priority in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 is the Criteria of Customer Satisfaction and the Organizational Context clause is a priority clause in the criteria of Customer Satisfaction. Overall, the priority of implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015 clauses in sequence are Leadership, Enhancement, Performance Evaluation, Organizational Context, Operation, Planning, and Supporting clauses.


Keywords—  ISO 9001: 2015, Pairwise assessment, Self assessment, Vannamei shrimp seeding.



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