Consumption of diets high in saturated fats and exposure to free radicals in the body is hypercholesterolemic cause factors. A lot of free radicals in the body can be captured by antioxidants. A proven antioxidant substances can ward off free radicals is a flavonoid and saponin, which is in one of his studies found on papaya seeds. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of allotment seeds papaya to decrease the total cholesterol level male wistar strain rats hypercholesterolemic. This type of research is a Pre And Post Test Group Randomized Controlled Design. Samples are 2-3 months old male wistar, high cholesterol diet-induced, and given the juice of papaya seeds 1,8; 3,6; and 7,2 gr/200 gr BB rat/day for 21 days. Total cholesterol levels checked with the use of Portable Cholesterol Check. Data were analyzed with Paired T-tests, after that continued with the One Way ANOVA test. Results of the research there is a difference in the total cholesterol levels before and after treatment in the treatment group (p < 0.05). Dosing of papaya seeds are given on different samples can lower total cholesterol levels. Giving juice of papaya seeds can lower cholesterol levels in blood samples with a total dose of 7.2 g/200 g BB rat/day is the dose that can lower total cholesterol levels significantly.
 Keywords : Papaya Seeds, Total Cholesterol, Hypercholesterolemic
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