
  • Yuniasih Purwaningrum


Anemia during pregnancy according to WHO runs between 20-89% by taking Hb 11 gr% as its standard. Most anemia during pregnancy is caused by the deficiency of iron that can affect the process of childbirth ; they are the problem of his, the strength of birth, the childbirth, on period I and II takes a long time. From the first study in Local Government Clinic Grujugan Bondowoso on june 8th until june 15th, 2015 shows that 13 mother in pregnancyduring trimester III (of inpartu), 4 mothers having low degree of haemoglobin, 2 people having the childbirth on period of length, 9 mothers having normal haemoglobin 2 people having the childbirth on period of length. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the degree of hemoglobin of mother in pregnancy during III with the length of childbirth on period I. The research design uses the correlation by analyzing between 2 variables they are the hemoglobin degree of mother in pregnancy during trimester III with the length of childbirth on period I. The population used are mothers of inpartu on period September 2015 in Local Government Clinic that are 38, the samples are 35 respondents and the research also uses the technique of probability sampling with random sampling. The data of Hb degree is actieved by using Sahli Hb, the data the length of childbirth on period I is activied by using Partograf. The result of the research toward 12 mothers in pregnancy during trimester III have a low degree of hemoglobin (Hb) and 11 mothers have had long period I. The result of statistic test by t-test, 2 samples in pairs actieved T account 6,156 > T table 2,021 with α 0,05. The conclusion of the research is T account 6,156 > T table 2,021 with α 0,05 means refusing Ho accepting Ha means the is a significant relationship degree of hemoglobin of mother in pregnancy during trimester III with the length of childbird on period I. Therefore, it is suggested that mothers should check their pregnancy continuously and should consume 90 tablet of Fe continuously based on the suggestion of health customes.

 Key word : haemoglobin, mother in pregnancy, the childbirth on period I.


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