The bresastfeeding early initiation were done by skin to skin that the mother’s chest can adjust the baby’s temperature with her. When the baby were too cold, the mother’s temperature will be ascend 2oC, and when the baby were too hot the mother’s temperature will be descend 1oC. In here the writer want to know the difference of newborn temperature which given breastfeeding early initiation and the not one. This research used comparative analitic research methode with cohort rapprochement. And the data analize technique that used to check the hypothesis is two sample t-test.
The result of this research is, from three times measuring the newborn temperature with breastfeeding early initiation, the lower newborn temperature is 36,6oC. The average of newborn temperature at T1 is 36,7oC, and then 36,9oC at T2 and after that at T3 is 37,2oC. And the newborn temperature without breastfeeding early intiation has the lower temperature that is 36,4oC. The average temperature at T1 is 36,5oC and then 36,8oC at T2 and 36,8oC at T3. From the statistic test which have done, the writer get t-count in the amount of 3,63 and t-table in the amount of 2,306. So it can be known that t-count > t-table , it means that H0 is rejected and H1 is recieved. So we get the conclusion that there is a difference of newborn temperature which given breastfeeding early initiation and the not one.
 Keywords : newborn temperature, breastfeeding early initiation
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