
  • Erni Dwi Widyana


Premature Rupture of Membrane With Levels of Maternal Leukocytes Premature rupture of membrane is the state beforebirth and after waiting an hour the signs of labor is not happening yet (Prawirohardjo, 2009; 677). Premature rupture of membrane may facilitate ascending infection that one of the sign is the increased levels of leukocytes (leukocytosis) as a form of cellular and humoral defense of the organism. This study aims to determine the correlation of premature rupture of membrane with levels of maternal leukocytes in hospital "Kanjuruhan" Kepanjen Malang Regency. Design research uses analytic correlation with the survey approach. Total population are 124 medical records and total samples are 95 (simple random sampling). The results showed that maternal with PPROM 50.00% leukocytosis, 42.86% normal and 7.14% leukopenia. With PROM, maternal leukocytosis 83.95%, 14.82% normaland 1.23% leukopenia. At the Chi Squaretest (χ²) withd f=1, obtained a significance of 0.004 (less than 0.05), so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, which means that there is a correlation between premature rupture of membrane with levels of leukocytes. By this study is expected to increase promotional efforts and early detection of pregnancy in particular about the dangers of the premature rupture of membrane.

Key words : premature rupture of membrane, leukocytes


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