
  • . Sutrisno


Relaxation Technique and Decrease on the Anxiety Level of the First-stage Maternal


It is normal for mothers who are nearing the laboringg stage to feel anxious, worried and frightened, particularly the primipara mothers. The anxiety may raise the pain level, get the muscles tensed, exhaust those mothers which, in turn, inhibit the delivery process. Treatment for anxiety states include four main approaches. These approaches include psychotherapy, relaxation therapy, meditation, and drugs. Relaxation techniques are a lot of techniques that provide the largest input as relaxation techniques during labor can prevent excessive postpartum errors. The objective of this research is to find out the effect of the relaxation technique on the decrease of the anxiety level of the first-stage inpartu mothers at the coverage area of Maesan Local Health Center Bondowoso Regency August 2016.

This research employs pre-experimental design, by employing the one-group-pre-post test design. The population of this research is the entire first-stage latent-phase inpartu mothers with the sample numbering 14 individuals. The sampling collection technique used in this research is accidental sampling. Data is taken using the questionnaire sheet and the wilcoxon test is employed as the hypothesis-testing device.

The data analysis reveals that, upon the application of the relaxation technique, 42% maternal experience mild anxiety, while 57,1% maternal experience light anxiety. Upon tested using the Wilcoxon Test, it is found that t count < t table ( 0 < 21 ), thus H0 is rejected. Therefore, the effect of the relaxation technique on the decrease of the anxiety level of the first-stage maternal at the coverage area of Maesan Local Health Center Bondowoso Regency August 2016  existed.

To address the matter, it is highly recommended that the first-stage maternal perform the relaxation technique once there is contraction in order to prevent over-anxiety situation which may hinder the laboring process, respectively.


Keywords: anxiety, relaxation technique


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