Anemia is a reduced levels of Hemoglobin ( Hb ) in the blood. Anemia is one of the most common disorder that occurs during pregnancy, with the condition of Hb levels below 11 gr%.Supplementation iron or granting tablet. Fe is an attempt important in prevent and handle Anemia , especially iron deficiency Anemia. Compliance consume iron tablets in measuring instrument from accuracy of the total tablets which was consumed , the accuracy of consuming manner iron tablets , the frequency of consumption each day.
Objective: To identify relations factors predisposing , compliance in consum iron tablet and levels hemoglobin of pregnant mothers in Puskesmas Mangli Kabupaten Jember.
Methods: The study ofobservationalanalytic. Research instruments to collect database by giving questionnaire and examination levels hemoglobin. Respondents are 32 pregnant women. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate.
Results: Analysis using spearmen correlation rank showed the relationship between age to compliance mother in consume iron tablet( p = 0,015 ), there was a correlation between mothers education pregnant with compliance pregnant mothers in consume iron tablet ( p = 0,001 ), there was a correlation between a capital work impregnate with compliance pregnant mothers in consume iron tablet ( p = 0,001 ), there was a correlation between knowledge pregnant mothers with compliance pregnant mothers in consume iron tablet ( p = 0,001 ), there was a correlation between a pregnant mothers with compliance pregnant mothers in consume iron tablet ( p = 0,003 ), there was a correlation between compliance pregnant mothers in consume iron tableton the hemoglobin pregnant mothers ( p = 0,000 ). The most dominant factor which affect the compliancy consumingiron tablet during the pregnancy was pregnant mother’s attitude with the score odds ratio (OR) 4,328.
Conclusion: There was a connection between the predisposing with compliance pregnantmothersin consume iron tablet and there wasa link between compliance in consume iron tabletto the pregnant mother’s hemoglobin and the most predisposition dominant factor which affect the compliancy consumingiron tablet during the pregnancy was pregnant mother’s attitude.Â
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