Desain Formulir Assesment Awal Medis Gawat Darurat Berdasarkan Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit Versi 2012 di Rumah Sakit Daerah Balung Jember


  • Atma Deharja
  • Selvia Juwita Swari


Based on pre survey in Balung General Hospital, showed that emergency form has not qualified with hospital acreditation standard (version 2012) for early medic and nursing assessment. The aim of this research is to re-design emergency forms based on hospital acreditation standard (version 2012) in Balung General Hospital 2016. This research is qualitative study. The data collection method are observation, interview and brainstorming. The result of this research is viewed from physical aspect of early medic and nursing assessment using white paper in size of A4 80 gram (21 x 29.7cm) in potrait lay out. Based on anatomy aspect, the heading of early medic and nursing assessment form is to put logo, the name and the full address of the instance, the introduction which should be appropriate with the aim of the form that are early medic and nursing assessment. Based on the content aspect of the early medic assessment form, the additional data consits of a kind of triage, the date of arrival and handling, the ealy survey of ABCD, painful scale, medicine allergic, fungtional status, falldown risk. Based on the nursing assessment form, it consists of patient's identity, primary survey, secondary survey, nursing diagnose, act plan, self nurse-act,  collaboration act, nursing evaluation, further action, given tasks and nirse autentication. Hopefully, the researcher's suggestion related to the result of early medic and nursing assessment form design can be applied in Balung General Hospital, Jember


Keywords— Design, Emergency Form, Hospital Accreditation, Medical Record



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