Core Process and Potential Problems in Activities Na-Oogst Tobacco Agribusiness in Jember Regency
Tobacco is one of the important commodities in jember district. Many other economic activities are moved and are a multiplier effect of tobacco agribusiness activities. Na-Oogst tobacco farming has been historic and contribute to the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of the community in Jember district. In practice the results of cultivation are related to acceptance received by tobacco farmers. There are actors and core processes in tobacco agribusiness. In addition to having the prospect of tobacco agribusiness is considered to have problems that are less profitable, thus affecting the welfare of NO tobacco farmers. Based on these ideas, this study aims to: (a) describe the core processes of NO tobacco agribusiness, (b) identify the actors in NO tobacco agribusiness, and (c) analyze barriers and problem-solving efforts in the NO tobacco value chain. The research was conducted with qualitative approach. The research method used descriptive analysis based on interviews with actors in NO tobacco agribusiness value chain. The results of the study indicate: (i) There is a specific core process of supply chain and NO tobacco value chain, (ii) The role of farmers who are also traders or called “Belandang†is one of the important actors in the value chain and pricing, and (iii) potential problems which harms the farmers and their solutions, among others by encouraging the government in regulatory functions and other efforts is to empower the NO tobacco farmer groups.
Keywords —Core Process, Potential Problems, Agribusiness, Na-Oogst Tobacco
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