Optimalization of Space Grows Vertically and Horizontally Based on Local Community Knowledge


  • Abdul Hadid
  • Bau Toknok
  • Wardah Wardah
  • Zulkaidhah Zulkaidhah


Increasing land productivity might be achieved by managing land resources efficiently and effectively. It might be realized on vertical and horizontal space utilization over a plot of land, with integrated land use approaches. This study assesses the utilization of vertical space and horizontal space on community land and its minimum productiion. The community land use in the form of agroforestry (simple and complex) and mixed plantations, vertically of arranged in two to four strata and Horizontally the distribution of plants cavering almost all the space or land. The minimum vertical and horizontal space utilization in the two canopy stratum has been could increased the land productivity, It can be better when considering the availabe of growth spaces especially vertical and horizontal space as well as ecological interaction of each combined plant species.


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