Lokal Economic Development of UKM Batik Jember to Increase Competitiveness in Jember


  • Oktanita Jaya Anggraeni
  • Dewi Kurniawati


UKM Batik Jember as one of the local economic resources, has the potential to contribute to special characteristics for the city of Jember so that it is known inside and outside the region. The government and the public need to pay attention to the development of UKM Batik Jember in order to be competitive with other economic actors. The purpose of this research is to get a strategy for local economic development in UKM Batik Jember in Jember. This research is a survey research conducted in Jember with the population being batik entrepreneurs in Jember. The analytical method used in this study is SWOT analysis. This analysis is used to determine the internal and external conditions of an organization which will then be used as a basis for designing strategies and work programs. The results of the SWOT analysis of the position of UKM Batik Jember are in the position that this industry is still weak so it still needs to make improvements from internal and external Jember Batik UKM. The recommended strategy is a survival strategy through business cooperation or business partnerships, building forums and partnerships with local governments and improving internal business problems.


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