
  • Andi Muhammad Ismail Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Financia Mayasari


Fisheries Agroindustry includes freshwater fisheries and sea water fisheries. Freshwater fisheries was developed because have various problems experienced in the agroindustry fisheries farming process, that started from production process, from the product include product low quality and skills and knowledge from ownership, funding and marketing, technological limitations and no freshwater fisheries group yet. IFE and EFE methods were used in this research to analyze both internal and external factors. Alternative strategies for business expansion were explained with SWOT method. The conclusion that can be drawn in this research is that the development of consumption fish farming agro-industry is the internal role of the farmers themselves and support from the government so that in the development of the freshwater fisheries sector it can run well and go hand in hand. Internal and external constraints experienced by farmers such as lack of understanding and innovation in the development of freshwater aquaculture businesses can be helped with government programs in the future farmers and the government can work together in an effort to improve the economy in the freshwater fisheries sector. in an effort to develop a consumption fish agro-industry, the recommendations from the AHP calculation results is forming a cooperative facilitated.


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