Indonesia is one of the tropical countries. High rainfall coupled with population density in the Indonesian region has resulted in various diseases. One of the most common diseases in Indonesia is typhoid fever. The incidence of typhoid fever in Indonesia is estimated at an average of 900,000 cases per year with more than 20,000 deaths. The expert system is the latest innovation in detecting an initial condition. Expert systems can be implemented in the health sector, one of which is a system of expert diagnosis that is useful for diagnosing diseases with symptoms of fever in humans by looking at the characteristics and symptoms experienced by patients. This study aims to diagnose typhoid fever caused by symptoms of fever in patients. This research method is a development research method using the sanders method which includes problem definition, system analysis, system design, and system implementation. The results of this study, this method provides an accurate assessment with a percentage reaching 72.2% can be used as a reference for the accuracy of diagnosis to prevent typhoid fever.References
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