
  • Ayu Febriyatna
  • Ratih Putri Damayati
  • Firda Agustin


High fat consumption causes various disease problems. One of the effects is changes in lipid profile and body weight. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of High Fat Diet (HFD) on Body Weight and HDL cholesterol level in Male White Wistar Rats. Twelve male white rats strain wistar divided into 2 groups and replicated 6 rats. The control group was given standard diet and HFD groups was given HFD 18,69% of fat contain with source of fat were margarine, beef brain and coconut cream powder. Diet was carried out for 9 weeks. The parameters observed were body weight and HDL cholesterol level on rats. Statistical analyzed using independent T test. The results showed that HFD group have increased body weight significantly compared control groups (p <0.05). In addition, HDL cholesterol levels in HFD group have not significantly difference with control group (p>0.05) but have tended to decrease compared control groups. The conclusion on this study that HFD were able to increasing body weight and potential for decreasing HDL cholesterol level of experimental rat.


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