
  • azamataufiq budiprasojo Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Risse Entikaria Rachmanita


This study aims to make motorbike helmet using thermoelectric technology by utilizing a Peltier effect. The main system component consists of a double layer heatsink, fan, copper plate, and thermoelectric module. 12 DC Voltage applied to module, and temperature differences rise created. Heat in hot side rejected to environment by heatsink and fan. A copper mounted to cold side to sprayed out the cool sensation to a whole helmet. This study was conducted prototype to analyse the performance of cooling. The results showed a fair enough result that indicated prototype of a cooling system based on thermoelectricity for a motorcyclist helmet can reduce the inside helmet temperature by 18%. The results showed a fair enough result that indicated the temperature inside helmet was reduced from 33°C to 27°C in approximately 10 minutes.  The highest  temperature on  hot  side  is  50°C  and  the  lowest temperate on cold side is 20°C. Q total in helmet to absorb 53 watts; the thermoelectric cold side heat absorption 42.5 watts, the thermoelectric hot side heat emissive 93.5 watts; the heatsink heat rejected 70 watts; the fan specification is 12V DC 0.9A and it can rejected heat by 30 watts.


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