
  • Dwi Rahmawati
  • Hari Prasetyo
  • P Santika


Black rice is a local variety that has advantages and disadvantages. This rice has a high anthocyanin content. However, it has a long life span, high plant habitus, and low yield potential. Productivity improvement of black rice can be done through crossing. The purpose of crossing between two having certain superiority is to assemble superior cultivars and proceed with selection. The effectiveness and efficiency of selection is determined, among others, by the value of heritability and genetic gain. This study aims to determine the genetic gain and the estimated value of heritability of the agronomic characters of F2 generation resulting from crosses between local black rice with several superior varieties of white rice. The research was carried out in the Jember State Polytechnic seed production field, from May to November 2019. This study was conducted using experimental design without replication. The estimated genetic parameters are broad-sense heritability and the genetic gain. The seeds used were F2 generation from the crossing of Arum, BSM, Sertani 9, Cidenuk and Cimelati varieties with local black rice. The observed characters include qualitative and quantitative characters. The expected output target of this research is to obtain one or more lines of hope from crossing results that can be developed.


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