Research was conducted in Nusa Penida, Klungkung-Bali from January to December 2018 using 21 Bali cattles. The study was design by randomized block design divided into 3 treatment groups. Control group (P0) : cattle were not given additional feed treatment, while group P1 and P2, the cattle was given 1 kg polard/day, for four months (2 months pre and postpartum). P2 group, the cattles was given biocas probiotics as much as 5 ml/ day. Parameters observed were birth weight, weaning weight and postpartum estrus. Data analyzed using variance analysis (ANOVA). The results is, statistically calf birth weight was not significantly as 18.4 kg (P0) and 18.6 kg respectively (P1 and P2). Weaning weights, P2 group showed better performance is 97.7 kg, followed by groups P1 (93.1 kg) and P0 (79.4 kg). that performance make the average calf selling price (P1 and P2) was higher than the control. The highest average was obtained in group P1 which was IDR. 3,941,667, - / calve followed by P2 IDR. 3,716,667, - / calve and P0 IDR. 3,290,000 / calve. The average duration of post partum estrus is shorter on P2 (113.3 days), than P1 (123.7 days) and P0 (138.4 days)References
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