
  • Irma Harlianingtyas Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Dian Hartatie
  • A Salim Salim
  • Supriyadi Supriyadi


Sugar is a major national need that usually increases every time along with population growth. Sugar cane is one of the important crop commodities in the development of the plantation sub-sector in East Java.  This commodity fulfills the needs of domestic sugar and exports of the National Sugar Productivity since 2001. Its progress is the sugar industry following the agreement which was first carried out by the quality of sugarcane. The aspects that affect the quality are sugar cane (on farm) and factory (off farm) aspects related to technical and technological processes. This study aims to get a model that is following the factors that affect sugar production, besides this mathematical model is expected to be able to provide recommendations to the factory leaders Asembagus Situbondo to increase sugar production. The method used to solve this problem is Cobb Douglas approach using multiple linear regressions by submitting six independent variables. They are sugarcane production, fertilization, irrigation, rainfall, the yield of sugar cane, and land area. The dependent variable is sugar production. This study aims to get a model that is following the factors that affect sugar production, besides this mathematical model is expected to be able to provide recommendations to the factory leaders Asembagus Situbondo to increase sugar production. The result of analysis obtained an appropriate regression model ln Y = ln (-4,704) + 0,999 ln (X 1 ) + 0,001 ln (X 2 ) + 0,006 ln (X 3 ) + 0,000 ln (X 4 ) + 0,014 ln (X 5 ) + 0,995 ln (X 6 ).


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