
  • J A Putritamara University of Brawijaya
  • S Azizah
  • N Febrianto


The research aims to analyze the pattern of farmer communication networks in partnerships and the role of farmers as one of the stakeholders in implementing communication within the institution. The number of research respondents as many as 11 respondents taken by the non probability sampling method through snowball sampling found 8 farmers who partnered with the core of external partnerships and the rest were core, brokers and livestock services. Data analysis using open access software with UCINET 6,682. Based on a survey that the majority of broiler farmers in Malang district amounting to 72% were farmers partnering with integrators or external partnerships because for the procurement of breeder production facilities able to adjust to financial capabilities. The results of the study show that the value of in degree in the communication of the farmer actors is on average higher than the outdegree which means that the farmer's role as a communication actor in the partnership because the farmer acts as the main actor in providing upstream to downstream technical information to the company, while the out value degree where the ability of farmers in the network to exchange information continuously with a value of 55.56%, the value of outdegree was not as big as the degree because the farmer's communication relationship is only with the core technical limit. The incloseness value of 87.50% where the farmer was able to influence the network was very high because the farmer as the main actor of business success and outcloseness was the ability of the farmer to be influenced by only 57.17% because the farmer has mastered technical maintenance compared to other actors.


Badan Pusat Statistik 2018 Statistik Ketenagakerjaan Sektor Pertanian tahun 2017-2018 Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas)

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