Habbatussauda by product in the form of wafers is a good inconventional feed for sheep because efificient on consumtion that is not easily scattered when consume and eficient in the storage feed management.Optimization Process needed to get the best quality of wafers. Molasses known as the binder for wafers. Viscosity and sugar content of molasses are important factors for the success of wafers forming. The aim of this study was to optimize the process of habbatussauda Wafers producingg on molasses viscosity to the optimal manufacturing time and good physical quality of wafers.This study used 4 replications per treatment. The experimental design that was carried out was a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors ( heating time 5%, 10%, 15% and molasess viscosity 120%, 140% and 150%). The longer heating time proces had a very significant decrease (P<0.01) on mositure, water activity, and increase durability of wafer containingNigella sativa meal. had  significant influence on (P<0.01) wafer durability with the oprimal level is medium viscosity. All factor not influence on the machine effisiency. The results showed that the optimal time to make wafers is 10-15 minutes with a viscosity level of molasses is 140%.References
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