In 2018, in Jember Regency there were at least 42 natural disasters recorded consisted of whirl wind, flood, landslide, forest and field fire, high tide, and earthquake that caused minor injuries, severe injuries, or dead victims. In handling the natural disaster patient, medical officers should be in a hurry because of the suddenly high work load. The demand to give a quick service along with the increasing risk level, the demand to record natural disaster victim patient quickly and easily accessible, the demand to give a quick service of searching and reporting the natural disaster victim patient make the recording of natural disaster victim patients can not be conducted effectively if it is still in a conventional way. This research is a qualitative research that based on a product which is recording the natural disaster victim patients by using android based in Jember Regency. The research method used is waterfall method. The Application for the Recording of the Natural Disaster Victim Patients has been tested and simulated by BPBD and TAGANA team in Jember Regency and obtain user satisfaction level as much as 80%. Application development will be done in stages, hoping to be useful for the government.
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