Metabolic syndrome is one of risk factor of non-communicable disease, such coronary heart disease (CHD) and Diabetes mellitus (DM). Metabolic syndrome characterised by appearance minimum 3 of these symptoms: high blood pressure, low HDL-cholesterol level, high LDL-cholesterol level, high triglyseride level, high fasting glucose level, high waist-hip ratio. Metabolic syndrome is often related to obesity. Adolescent with obesity has higher risk to be suffering from metabolic syndrome and have degenerative disease. This research aimed to identify correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and some biomarkes signs of metabolic syndrome in adolescences. This was an observational research conducted in Junior High School in Jember. Twenty three High School students were participated as subjects in this research. The were condestied in measurement of BMI/Age, and biomarkes signs (HDL-cholesterol level, LDL-cholesterol level, triglyseride level, and fasting glucose level) measured by laboratory. Prevalence of overweight in male and female adolescents are 13.3% and 18.4% respectively. Prevalence of obesity in male and female adolescents are 11.2% and 7.2% respectively. There is correlation between BMI and HDL-cholesterol level (p=0.043), but there are no correlation between BMI and other three biomarker :Â LDLcholesterol level (p=0.380), triglyseride level (p=0.253), and fasting glucose level (p=0.253).References
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