
  • Retno Widyani
  • Noviyanti Noviyanti
  • Muh. Farid Rifai
  • Zaitun Zaitun


In part of Indonesian students have lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) on their hair. Head lice are a type of blood-sucking parasite that usually lives in the head. If not treated properly, head lice are at risk of causing a variety of problems, from scalp infections to decreased sleep quality. Indonesian natural sources have potential to get rid of head lice such as Akar Wangi (Chrysopogon), Sirih (Piper betle) and Zaitun (Olea). In Indonesia, fragrant root oil is called java vetiver oil. Lice oil composed coconut oil 1000 ml, chrysopogon oil 25 ml, piper bettle oil 25 ml and Olea oil 25 ml. Lice oil is applied to the roots of the hair while massaged every 3 days. The result of this in vivo test indicated combination of chrysopogon oil, piper betlle oil and olea oil can kill the lice head and their eggs, effectively for one month.


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