The objectives of this study are: 1) To analyze the level of empowerment of dairy cattle agro-tourism community in Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency; 2) Analyzing the impact of the influence of the development of dairy cattle agro-tourism on community empowerment and community economy in the area of agro-tourism in Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency; and 3) Develop a strategy or priority program for the development of dairy cattle agro-tourism that can enhance the benefits and contribution of positive change for the community of the Krucil District of Probolinggo District.This study uses an ex post facto design whose data retrieval lasted for two months starting in June to July 2019. The location of the research was in the Argopuro KUD Area, KrucilVillage, Krucil District, Probolinggo as a destination for dairy cattle tourism. The research population is the people who live in the Agropuro KUD area. The sample was determined by unproportional sampling that is a sample of 30 local communities and 30 farmers. which are scattered in the villages of the Milk Collection Place (TPS). There are 8 villages in which each village has 1 TPS that supplies Argopuro KUD fresh milk. The 8 villages are scattered in Krucil Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency, Central Java. Data were collected by questionnaire, documentation and semistructured interview after previously being tested for the validity and reliability of the instrument. Data collected using; questionnaire, observation and deepened by conducting semistructured interviews, as well as interviews with experts who have research information. Observation is carried out to observe and obtain information that is useful to obtain information and data that is precise and accurate. In addition, expert choice of agro- tourism stakeholders is used, which has research information to obtain data and information on the preparation of strategies to increase socio-economic impacts and human resources using the ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) method.The results showed the highest Driver Power or key element which is a very important actor to encourage the running of agro-tourism management system is interpersonal ability and decision-making capacity of interpersonal ability and decision-making is an important factor in the management of agro-tourism areas in Krucil Probolinggo District. The sub element hasa big driving force in the second order is the aspect of participation and community perception. In other words, community participation and perceptions about the importance of agro-tourism are very important in encouraging the successful management of agro-tourism programs. While the third element is the element of income and employment. The structuring of the actors' elements shows that interpersonal skills and the highest decision making capacity are at level4, which means that the success of agrotourism management is very much needed interpersonal skills and good decision-making capacity of agro-tourism managers. At level 3is the aspect of public participation and perception. While level 2 is the aspect of income and level 1 of employment.
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