Ant sugar is a powdered version of brown sugar and is often referred to as crystal sugar. It is called ant sugar because the shape of this sugar resembles that of ants nesting on the ground. The basic ingredients for making ant sugar are palm juice from coconut and palm trees (palm). In this study, the maximum temperature regulation is 140 o C and the pressure is 2 atm. The materials used in this study were coconut and sugar cane juice produced by farmers in Kokap Wates, Kulon Progo Regency. In the manufacture of ant sugar in the evaporation process the temperature of the material increases with increasing winding temperature and overtime. In the process of fresh neera evaporation, the value of heat transfer coefficient ranges between 20-22 (W / m 2 . o C). This shows that when the initial cooking for this concentration is needed more than 20 Watts to heat the material by 1 o C for an area of 1 m of material. The value of heat transfer coefficient of turmeric neera beetween 17 - 25 (W / m C).
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