Hay, Provides Problem Solution of Fulfilling Forages Feed for Dairy Cattle Agribusiness
The need of forages feed for dairy cows were quite a lot, namely as food intake in order to produce high-quantity and high-quality of dairy milk. The forages feed need that needed per dairy cow were about 10% of its body weight. In fulfilling these forages feed need, sometimes it’s necessary to pay for buying forage feed, especially when the dry season arrives. So it can lead to higher production costs in managing dairy cattle agribusiness. Therefore, the purpose of this activity to provide solutions for dairy farmers in fulfilling the needs of forage feed sources, without causing cost overruns. Hay processing can be an alternative solution for this problem. In this activity, hay is processed from dried soybean straw that added with urea to assist the process of amoniation and then printed in the form of blocks using a hay press. The technique of making hay is very simple and does not require high cost. Soybean straw which is indeed very abundant during the dry season. It can meet the needs of fullfilling dairy feeding, moreover it can minimize the expenditure of feed costs on the management of dairy cattle agribusiness.
Agustina T 2016 Outlook Komoditas Pertanian Subsektor Peternakan Susu (Jakarta Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian)
Syarifuddin H 2014 Aplikasi Teknologi Bio Cubed Hay Menuju Desa Mandiri Pakan Ternak. (Indonesia: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Jambi) Chapter 29