Greenhouse is a building that serves to protect plants from adverse climatic conditions for plant growth. Now, many greenhouses are developed with automation systems to control climate and regulate fertigation systems. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has also been implemented to support the greenhouse automation system so that control and observation of greenhouse automation instruments can be accessed via the internet. SaaS technology is a cloud product designed to serve the needs of online applications so that greenhouse owners can use applications easily without developing applications independently. This research was conducted to implementing a greenhouse automation with SaaS-based applications and implemented using the Node-Red application. The testing method is carried out by measuring service speed in automation system applications in two types of services. telemetry data sensor services and instructions for running an actuator. The results of this study indicate that automation systems with saas platforms can functionally function like local automation systems. Internet connection latency time is one variable that affects the speed of data services.References
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