Utilization of natural fiber can be used as an automotive component product with structural and composite strength that is in accordance with ASTM standards. The purpose of this study is to measure compression, tensile, and microstructure using digital microscope as an analysis of the composite structure between rubber composites made from ramie reinforced and banana fibers with latex. The material use is agro fiber form banana tree and ramiee, mixing with latex. The Variation are 10%, 20% and 30% reinforce,and latex start from 70% to 90%. Mechanical Properties of Composite Strengthened Rubber Ramiee Fiber and Banana Fiber with latex used for sample prototype replacement Automotive Rubber Installation (Synthetic rubber). This research method is by making samples according to ASTM with each of 3 specimen samples in each fiber composition and rubber composite, a total of 30 specimen samples. 15 specimens were subjected to tensile tests, 15 Compression test specimens and specimens with optimal results in each composite composition were subjected to macroscopy photos. Agro fibre composite with ramie reinforced is better than banana stem fiber and mixing ramie and banana. The highest tensile and compression strength values is found in variations in the variation of the composition of the Ramie fiber + Latex 90 : 10 with a value of 4,58 N / mm 542 | Proceedings of The Second International on Food and Agriculture 2 for tensile test; 0,21 kgf / mm 2 for compression test. The agrofiber composite can be used for automotive part like: air filter, car body, and chassisReferences
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