The common process of making copra is by drying under sunlight or fumigating by utilizing biomass (coconut shell). The disadvantages of this method of drying and fumigation are that processing time lasts for 5-7 days and it is very dependent on weather conditions. In addition copra quality was often unstable, mouldy and moisture content is not suitable therefore cannot fulfill requirements as white copra. Selayar regency has known as a copra producing centre in South Sulawesi, therefore it becomes one of the considerations of choosing community creativity program (PKM) partners from this region. The goal to be achieved is the process of transferring technology to partners so that motivate other coconut farmers who will eventually be able to increase their income. The output of this activity is the result of a white copra drying oven. The program implementation phase begins with the design of the drying oven at the Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (PNUP) mechanical workshop followed by demonstration of equipment usage at the partner location and the final stage of the activity is the delivery of the equipment to the partners. From the result of testing equipment, the quality obtained was 10.14% moisture content, 54.15 oil content and 0.05% free fatty acid level for 25 hours drying time. This result has met the C Grade of SNI standard.References
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