Author Guidelines
Author Guidlines (Indonesian Version) : Download
1. Editors receive articles in the field of accounting and business studies with coverage and focus areas on:
a. Financial Accounting (capital market, tax, auditing)
b. Public Sector Accounting
c. Management Accounting (cost accounting, accounting information systems)
d. Financial management
e. Marketing Management
2. The article has never been published and is not being reviewed by other journals / media,
3. Articles written in Indonesian
4. Systematics of writing articles:
a. The title in Indonesian is not more than 15 words. All words start with capital letters, typed in bold, aligned to the center with a font size of 14 Lucida Bright.
b. Author name is written without title and typed in bold, author affiliation and first author email correspondence with font size 12 Lucida Bright
c. Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (Indonesian and English). Each abstract is not more than 150 words, one paragraph, single spaced using italics. Key words consist of 3-6 words.
d. The introduction contains a background that shows the state of the art, novelty, and the subjects of the study / research problem.
e. The research method contains research design, scope or object (population and sample), data collection techniques, research operational definitions, and analysis techniques.
f. The results and discussion contain analysis using the method used in the research method. Analysis can be supplemented by tables, graphs (pictures), and / or charts.
g. Conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion that answers the research objectives
h. Limitations of describing things that are actually included in the scope of the research, but due to certain methodological or procedural difficulties, cannot be included in the research and are beyond the control of the researcher.
i. Suggestions contain recommendations formulated by researchers based on research limitations that can be useful both practically and theoretically for further research.
j. Writing references and citations referred to in the manuscript is recommended to use a reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and others.
k. The list of references contains only the sources referred to, and all sources referred to must be included in the Reference List. The list of references is at least 50% in the form of primary literature (scientific journals) published in the last 10 years.
5. Writing technique :
a. Articles must use Indonesian in accordance with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI)
b. Articles are typed in Ms Word, one and a half spaces, 12 fonts, Lucida Bright letters with a page length of between 8-15 pages.
c. A new paragraph begins at the sixth typed on the left border. There are no additional spaces between paragraphs.
d. All foreign words and special terminology are italicized.
e. Typing limits: left side 3 (three) centimeters, upper side 3 (three) centimeters, right side 3 (three) centimeters, and bottom side 3 (three) centimeters
f. There should be no article attachments. All tables, pictures, or conversation transcripts are included in the body of the article (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).
g. Tables and figures should be clearly labeled, numbered and source. The table title should be left aligned, placed on top of the table. The title of the image is typed in the center and placed on the image. Title of table or image in bold (bold). Resources are placed under the image or table and typed from the left margin.
h. Citation of reference sources in articles (in body text) and on the Reference List uses the American Psychological Association (APA) standard.
6. Every writing received by the editorial staff will be reviewed by a minimum of one reviewers according to their field of expertise by blind review.
7. If necessary, the editorial team will change the funds or improve the spelling, writing, writing and grammar of the published articles without changing the substance of the writing.
8. Articles must be submitted via by following an instructed process to ensure a blind review.
9. The editorial team will conduct a plagiarism test using a reference application (turnitin / plagiarismcheck). The maximum limit for plagiarism is 25%. Authors will be asked to revise the article again if the article has not met the maximum plagiarism limit.
10. The Journal of Applied Accounting and Business is published 2 times 1 year, namely in July and December.
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