Creation Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Puger Shrimp Paste, Jember (Empiric Study on Small Paste Industry, Puger, Jember)
Achievement and sustainability of a company's competitive advantage is the fundamental basis of long-term corporate success, therefore, an understanding of resources and corporate behavior that could certainly lead to a sustainable competitive advantage is considered as a key issue in strategic management and marketing strategies. This research is conducted on 21 companies in Jember Puger Shrimp Paste ,East Java Province. This study aims to (1) Examine and analyze the simultaneously influence of innovation and marketing performance as sustainable and competitive in small industries in Jember Puger Shrimp Paste ,East Java Province (2) Examine and analyze the influence of partial innovation to a sustainable competitive advantage in small industrial firms in the district Puger paste Jember regency of East Java (3) Examine and analyze the influence of partially marketing performance to a sustainable competitive advantage of small industries in the district Puger paste Jember regency of East Java. The sampling technique in this study using the census method with a questionnaire as data collecting instruments. The results indicate that simultaneous innovation and marketing performance along with partial innovation, and partial marketing performance are not significant for sustainable competitive advantage in small shrimp paste industries in Puger, Jember, East Java Province.References
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