PKM (Community Service Program) : Raising Sheep Farming in Wuluhan District, Jember Regency, East Java Province
Sheep is one of the potential livestock that can help people to fulfill their meat needs. Observations (surveys) conducted on partners, sheep fattening efforts owned by Mrs. Marsiti and Pak Abdul Karim are still less productive due to: 1) the low production capacity and quality of sheep feed (silage feed) due to limited equipment so that the feed production process has been carried out manually, 2 ) lack of partner information about proper sheep fattening so that not all sheep achieve weight as expected during maintenance, 3) lack of information owned by partners on how to manage sheep business appropriately so that profits are not maximized. The service community activities that have been carried out include: 1) providing assistance in the production of fermented animal feed equipment and machinery in order to increase the production capacity and quality of animal feed, 2) provide training on how to use feed production machinery for partners, 3) provide training in business management and marketing so that can improve the ability of partners in managing sheep fattening business and can improve the partner’s marketing strategy.References
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Tillman, A.D.H., Hartadi, S. Reksohadiprojo, S. Prawirokusumo. 2001. Animal Food Sciences.Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.