Development Strategy of Cattle Beef Community Farming Center (SPR) in Jember Regency
As one of the beef cattle central areas in East Java Province, the local government of Jember regency has a strong commitment to always increase livestock production and improve the welfare of breeders through the establishment of cattle beef community husbandry center (SPR). Conceptually, the institution is formed with the aim of consolidating small breeders to become a collective business in order to facilitate its services. However, institutional management is not as easy as imagined, so that until now it has not been able to realize the goals as expected. The important problems faced by SPR of beef cattle in this region are the low productivity of livestock and the small income of breeders. The study focused on three main areas. The first area was aimed to identification of key factors in the development of SPR for beef cattle. The second area formulated a strategy so that the productivity and income of breeders in SPR can be increased. The third area translated the chosen strategy into operational models that could be applied to the institution. Development strategies were formulated with the SWOT method (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), while the operational model design used descriptive methods. The synthesis results from alternative strategies showed the need for business diversification by forming productive business groups in the SPR. This business group will be managed various potentials into high value-added commercial products, such as the production of complete feed, vermicompost, livestock breeding and processing of various livestock products. The role of local government is needed to empower this group by conducting intensive technical assistance, providing facilities and infrastructure assistance, forming partnerships with stakeholders, and promoting.References
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