Application to forecast attacks on plant disturbing organisms


  • Damanhuri Damanhuri
  • Budi Hariono
  • Trismayanti Dwi Puspitasari


The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that should get the greatest attention from the  government. It is  directly  related  to the  national  food  sovereignty.  The  agricultural development is an integral part of national development that aims to improve the productivity of farming. The government's efforts to improve the food agriculture can be seen by the programs such  as  Special  Efforts  to  increase  food  production that  focuses on  three  main  commodities: Rice, Corn, and Soybean. The number of national soybean demand has recently increased. It is fulfilled by increasing the supply of imported soybean which has even reached 70-80%. One of factors that affects the level of food production security is climate. The aim of this study is to find out the relationship rainfall, rainy day, lose to the area of attack to pests, determine influence of the components on the occurrence of pests and diseases, predict the possibility of pest and disease attacks by utilizing component parameters, utilizing IT technology in predicting pests and diseases, implementing a model on soybean commodities. Given the high impact of plant distributing organisms, especially wereng and tungro on the level of soybean crop production, they can affect the food security.


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