Analysis Implementation of Hospital Management Information System Using Delone and Mclean Method in Hospital Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo


  • Dony Setiawan Hendyca Putra
  • Aji Seto Arifianto


The  hospital  management  information  system  is  an  attempt  to  present the accurate, on  time and  as  needed  information  to  support  the  processes  of  management functions  and  decisions making  in  providing  health  services  at the  Hospital. The  problems faced by users of hospital management information system at Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo obtained  from the interviews,  including:  system  quality,  information  quality,  service  quality, user intensity, system user, user’s satisfaction and net benefit. This research is a quantitative analytic  research  that  used  path  analysis  test.  This  research  assessed users’ perception  of hospital  management  information  systems  by  using  DeLone  and  McLean  method. The researchers  used DeLone  and  McLean  method because it matched  the characteristics of problems  at  Dr.  Abdoer  Rahem  Situbondo Hospital. The  problems were:  system  quality, information  quality,  service  quality,  user  intensity,  system  user,  user’s satisfaction  and  net benefit.  The  results of  this  research  were that the  system quality  had a  significant  effect  on the user  intensity  which  indicated  by  the T-value 3.82>  1.96,  the information quality  had a significant  effect  on  the user  intensity  which  indicated  by  the T-value 8.82> 1.96.  From  the research  results,  the  hospital  is expected  to  develop  a  management  information  system or sistem  informasi  manajemen (SIM)  application  based  on  the hospital needs  as  the health service provider for the community.



