Evaluative Study of Clinical Management Information System with COBIT 4.1 Approach in Dokterku Taman GadingJember Clinic


  • Ratih Ayuninghemi Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan
  • Ely Mulyadi


Utilization of a management information system in a clinic includes helping doctors in diagnosing based on evidence-base. The result of initial observation showed that this application is considered as the main resource that has strategic value to be able to manage information effectively and efficiently to achieve organizational goals. An evaluation  is  needed  to  measure  maturity  level  of  the  implementation  of  the  clinical management information system using the COBIT 4.1 framework. From the results of the  study,  this  application  has  run  in  accordance  with  the  business  objectives  of  the organization in general. It can be seen from the maturity level calculation results which measures  at  level  3  (Defined),  showing  the  condition  in  which  the  organization  has formal and written standard procedures that have been socialized to all management and employees to be obeyed and run in daily activities.


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