In Indonesia, plastic waste has become an important problem at this time, because it causes environmental pollution problems. With this, further action is needed regarding the treatment of waste utilization, one of which is by converting waste into liquid fuel. Some types of rubbish that we often encounter are plastic bottles such as plastic cups, plastic bottle caps, children's toys and margarines and others, which is one of the types of PP (polypropylene) waste. The development of current plastic waste treatment technology is to convert plastic waste into fuel oil by utilizing plastic waste to be processed as plastic fuels such as premium fuel, diesel and kerosene. Polypropylene type plastic is the type of plastic that is most widely used in daily life because it has good mechanical properties with low density, heat and moisture resistance, and has good dimensional stability. Some of the technology used to convert plastic waste, among others, by using the method of high temperature (Thermal Cracking), namely heating polymer or plastic material without oxygen, this process is usually carried out at temperature. This process includes the pyrolysis process ,. The results of the thermal cracking process will produce fuel oil by condensation with the cooling process, when the pipe releases steam that occurs in a heated pressure vessel, thus producing steam that is condensed using water until it changes shape to become liquid. One of the results of the pyrolysis process is Polypropylene Plastic is a fuel that is equivalent to fossil fuels. In this study, researchers analyzed the octane number of Polypropylene liquid fuel that was heated and the Distillation process with a temperature variation of 800C, 1000C, and 1200C produced Polypropylene fuel equivalent to a standard fuel with an octane number of 93.8. So that this fuel can be used on vehicles motorized.References
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