
  • Ery Setiyawan Jullev Atmadji
  • Vigo Dewangga
  • Aditya Wahyu Pratama


The need for food and healthy food is increasing now with the development of technology about food processing, especially foods with mushroom types. Oyster mushroom is one type of mushroom that is safe for consumption, because oyster mushroom is one kind of complementary food besides rice which has high nutritional value. Due to having a considerable economic value resulting in a lot of oyster mushroom cultivation which is a type of small business that starts from breeding, production, and processing of oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms can grow in the area around the house, oyster mushroom cultivation takes into account several factors including air humidity, air temperature, and lighting regulation, this type of fungus should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In order to maximize yield, we need a kumbung. making the ideal kumbung namely mushroom kumbung which is always awake to the humidity of the air. While the media used is wood powder media mixed with katul with a composition of 15%, 2% lime, and 5% corn powder. Then the mixture is mixed with water with a composition of 60% and stirred, allowed to stand and check the degree of acidity. Then cooled put into polybags plastic and put in a barrel for cooking process (Steam) for 7 hours to sterilize the media. As for the humidity temperature is maintained between 23- 280C. The problems faced by oyster mushroom farmers in Jember City are the regulation of air temperature and humidity that are erratic, when the hot air is very dry humidity, and during the rainy season the humidity is very wet so that it interferes with the mushroom production process. So we need a mechanism that is able to deal with these problems by implementing a mushroom kumbung humidity control system automatically by using a DHT11 sensor connected to Bluetooth HC-06. The function of the DHT11 sensor has been adjusted to the temperature of oyster mushroom humidity. And the second solution is to help control the production and marketing processes by utilizing an integrated management information system


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