Modifikasi Sistem Pendingin Metode Pancuran pada Unit Facuum Frying Kapasitas 30 kg
IbPE program of export commodities chips fruit / vegetable based vacuum frying was conducted in the other two ud goddess in kabupaten jember is a follow-up of research and the application of the entrepreneurial traits that have been and carried out through vacuum frying based products such as a product chips edamame, jackfruit and others. increase the capacity of the frying pan in a conventional manner 6 kg to 30 kg raw material; (2) increase its production capacity from the average product chips production 1-1.2 kg chips / the process of becoming 5-6 kg chips / process; (3) reminded his the performance of (performance vacuum frying machine. A method that is executed by means of a watering system with the method of the shower. ) interact with air so that the cooling process to be maximum. The water is stored in these cooling pools to the volume of 23-25 m3.Increase in temperature in the range 1-2oc on temperature environment.This condition provide optimal results on performance a vacuum frying so machine able to work on pressure -760 mm hg with capacity 30 pounds of raw materials with long the process of frying equal to conventional system with capacity 5 pounds raw materials.This new system also to save the water, because it can be used to 9 times process ( 3 days)References
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