Article Revocation and Withdrawal
It is generally a principle of scientific communication that the journal Editor is fully and independently responsible for deciding which articles can be published. Through making these decisions, Editors are guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by legal requirements related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Occasionally circumstances can arise where articles are published which must later be recalled or even deleted. Such actions should not be taken lightly and can only occur under extraordinary circumstances. In certain cases, our archives at the Journal of Applied Animal Science hold all versions of articles, including those that were recalled or deleted.
Article Revocation
Articles may be recalled due to scientific errors in cases such as multiple submissions, false authorship claims, plagiarism or improper use of data. A signed statement from the author must be submitted before the article can be withdrawn. The consent of all authors is required to be submitted before the article is revoked. A revocation notice will be published and the link to the original article clearly marked. In addition, the notification will also state the reasons for withdrawal and who has revoked the article. The original article will not be removed from the online version and the print journal version, but will be identified as a recalled article. Revocation will also be listed on the content page.
Article withdrawal
Article recalls are strongly discouraged and should only be used in exceptional circumstances for an early version of an article which has been accepted for publication but has not been officially published but may have already appeared online. This version may contain errors, such as being posted twice by mistake or possibly violating the ethical guidelines for journal publishing (e.g. repeated submissions, false claims about the author, plagiarism, improper use of data, etc.). In such situations, especially if there is a violation of law or ethics or false and inaccurate data that could pose a risk of harm if used, it can only be decided to withdraw the initial version of the article from our electronic platform.
Additional note, if the author owns the copyright of the article itself, it does not mean that he has the right to withdraw it after publication. The integrity of the published scientific records is paramount and this policy on repeal and revocation still applies in such cases.
Article deletion
In a very limited number of cases published articles may need to be removed from our online platform. This will only happen if an article is clearly defamatory, or violates the legal rights of another person, or where it is located, or we have good reason to expect to be the subject of a court order, or where the article, if acted upon, may poses a serious health risk. In such circumstances, while the metadata (i.e. title and author information) of the article will be retained, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.
Article Replacement
If the article, if followed up, could pose a serious health risk, the author of the original paper may want to retract the original and replace it with a corrected version. In such circumstances, the above removal procedure will be followed by the difference that the article revocation notification will contain the revised and republished link along with the document history.