Author Guidelines
- The manuscript is written in English. The title of the manuscript must be a maximum of 12 words which includes gaps, methods and research contributions. Does not name specific locations or organizations.
- Author's identity, including: full name without academic degree and without mentioning profession (lecturer/student). Write the name, affiliation and address according to the Jurnal Inovasi Informatika dan Teknologi Unggul (JIITU) template.
- Abstract of a maximum of 200 words consisting of background, research gaps and objectives, methods used, results and research contributions. Abstracts are written clearly and concisely to help readers gain an understanding of new and important aspects without reading the entire article.
- Keywords are written on the same page as the abstract separated from each other by semicolons (;). Please use 3-6 appropriate words to aid indexing and sort alphabetically.
- The manuscript sequentially consists of:
• Introduction: The introduction contains gaps, previous research, gaps offered in the research, novelty, objectives and contributions of the research. References come from 80% of reputable international journals or accredited national journals with a minimum rating of Sinta 2, and 20% of other sources in the form of proceedings, books, etc. The introduction consists of 3-5 paragraphs where each paragraph consists of 100-250 words.
• Method: The method consists of the research context, research design offered, data samples, development procedures, data collection and analysis techniques. Provide adequate method details including ethical behavior.
• Results and discussion: Results state the main findings of the study rather than providing data in great detail. Results should be clear, concise and reportable in text or graphics. Please provide an introduction to the information presented in each table or figure with a narrative of at least 100-200 words. The discussion should explore and review the research objectives.
• Conclusion
• Conclusions answer the problem or research objective, or can also produce a new theory/concept based on existing facts/analysis; No further discussion in the Conclusion section. You may add implications or suggestions (not mandatory). Write in paragraph form, not in list/numbering item form. Don't divide it into conclusion sub-chapters and suggestions sub-chapters. Conclusions can be in the form of synthesis, implications, research weaknesses or future research.
• Acknowledgments (if applicable): Briefly acknowledge the funders of the research, but not the author members.
• References: References consist of all references used to write the article. Make sure the quotes used are as contemporary as possible, including quotes from the current year of writing. Use references from the last 5 years in the field of science and the last 10 years in other fields. References come from 80% of reputable international journals or accredited national journals with a minimum rating of Sinta 2, and 20% of other sources in the form of proceedings, books, etc.
6. Each table is typed in 1 space. Number of systematic tables as mentioned in the text and equipped with a short title for each. Provide explanations in footnotes rather than in the title. Please explain in the footnotes all non-standard information mentioned in the table. The total number of tables cannot be more than 6 tables.
7. The layout of the article must be written on A4 paper with a minimum margin of 2.5 each using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font and single spacing. The minimum number of pages is 8 and the maximum is 10. Each page is numbered starting from the title to the last page of the article.
8. References and citations use IEEE style [1]. Direct citations in references must include the page number of the citation. IEEE style applies in writing articles. Writing citations and references is recommended using Mendeley desktop software. The following is a guide to using Mendeley desktop software to manage citations and references.
Examples of references from journals:
Iacono, L., Garino, C. G., Marianetti, O., & Párraga, C. (2017). WSNs Data and Configuration Management in Sensor Clouds with Cloud File Synchronization Services. Journal Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 17(1), 1–11.
Examples of references from books:
Dawson, C. W. (2015). Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student’s Guide (Vol. 2). Pearson. Retrieved from
Examples of references from proceedings:
Coonjah, I., Catherine, P. C., & Soyjaudah, K. M. S. (2016). Experimental performance comparison between TCP vs UDP tunnel using OpenVPN. 2015 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security, ICCCS 2015, 15–19.
9. The size of the submitted file must not exceed 2MB. Articles are written by modifying the journal template.
10. Article submissions are made via the website Jurnal Inovasi Informatika dan Teknologi Unggul (JIITU)