Pengujian Aktivitas Antibakteri terhadap Bakteri Patogen dan Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif pada Kulit Kayu Raru (Vatica leucocapra)


  • Nenengsih Verawati



Raru is a forest tree which has height about 70-85 cm, has thick bark, which is usually processed to become powder in Kalimantan, called resak wood bark. It’s usually used as a preservative on nira nipah. Raru wood bark has compound such as terpenoid, arilpropanoide, benzofurane, flovonoide, hidroquinon and oligostilbenoide. The aims of this experiment are to identified clear zone from several consentration (90%, 95% and 99%) and active compound on raru wood bark extract. The treatments are soxhlet extraction with ethanol and methanol solvent (p.a.). Each extraction is done three times so there will be 18 experimental units. Rendement was analyzed by the antibacteria activity and the active compound identification with GC-MS. Result of this experiment is analyzed descriptively with microsoft excel programe and the data is showed in tabels and graphs or histograms. The result of the experiment are the highest rendement taken from methanol extraction treatment, is 35,65%. The best treatment is taken from antibacterial activity examination of methanol solvent treatment (99% consentration). Raru wood bark extract more effectively to inhibit gram positive bacteria (S. Aureus) than gram negative bacteria (E. Coli). Chromatogram GC-MS identified hexadecanoic acid as an active compound in raru wood bark, which belongs to carboxylic acid group.


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How to Cite

Verawati, N. (2018). Pengujian Aktivitas Antibakteri terhadap Bakteri Patogen dan Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif pada Kulit Kayu Raru (Vatica leucocapra). Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi, 18(2).


