Author Guidlines

When submitting article, a writer should pay attention to the following:

1)  The article should be within the scope of Health and Information System.

2)  The article is sent in Ms.Word format with the following conditions:

  • A4 paper (21 cm x 21,7cm) with the page margin; Left (1,27 cm), top (2,5 cm), Right (1,27 cm), and bottom (1,9 cm).
  • The number of script pages between 7-10 pages.
  • The script is written one column with Palatino Linotype font
  • The conjunctions (and, in, or with, as well, about, that, against, so, because, then, for the sake) and prepositions (in, to, from, in, to, within, by, through) are written in lowercase.

3) Articles are written with the following regulations.

Title (Palatino Linotype; capitalized each word and bold; 1 space).
  • Author Name (Palatino Linotype 10; 1 space).
  • Author Affiliation (Palatino Linotype 8; 1 space), contains the name of the institution / organization / workplace / country/ author’s place of study .
  • Correspondence (Palatino Linotype 8; 1 space), contains email address of correspondence author
  • Abstract (Palatino Linotype 9; all capital letters and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 9; 1 space). The abstract consists of one short paragraph explaining the purpose, background of the problem, the research method, and the results of the study. Use a maximum of 200 words. So that quotations are not included in the abstract. paper components have been published [title, text, head, etc.] in the style sheet. Article abstract is written in English. Do not use symbols, special characters, or math in paper title or abstract. avoid abbreviation.
  • Keywords (Palatino Linotype 9 and bold) and their contents (Palatino Linotype 9), keywords are written in English; with a number of 3-5 keywords. Keywords relevant to the research presented in the manuscript. For example, medical record; electronic health record; 
  • Introduction (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 10; 1,15 spaces).
  • Materials and Methods (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 10; 1,15 spaces).
  • Results (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 10; 1,15 spaces). Description and discussion of results should be made separately.

Must provide a description of the results and discussion needed to support the conclusions of this study. The results and discussion can be divided into several sub-sections, each with a brief subtitle.

  • Discussion (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 12; 1,5 spaces).
  • Conclusion (Palatino Linotype 10 and bold) and its contents (Palatino Linotype 12; 1,5 spaces). 
  • References (Palatino Linotype 10 10 and bold) and reading sources (Palatino Linotype 10 1; 1 spaces). Source of citations or bibliography must be the same. Reference style using IEEE. The reference must use Mendeley's reference management software. References in the form of books (textbooks) have been published for up to the last 10 years, while journals and dissertations/thesis/thesis publications have been published for a maximum of the last 5 years. Bibliography of at least 15 references, with a journal dominance of 70%. References cited in the body of the paper must be the same as those written in the bibliography.

Conditions of writing style above have been imposed in the template of International Journal of Healthcare and Information Technology (IJHITECH).