About the Journal

JOFE : Journal of Food Engineering (e-ISSN 2810-0824) is a scientific journal in Food and Engineering that contains research results and literature studies. It managed by Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Politeknik Negeri Jember. This journal published 4 (four) times a year, namely every JanuaryApril, July and October.

The journal publishes original research and review papers on any subject at the interface between food and engineering, particularly those of relevance to industry, including: 

Engineering properties of foods, food physics and physical chemistry; processing, measurement, control, packaging, storage and distribution; engineering aspects of the design and production of novel foods and of food service and catering; design and operation of food processes, plant and equipmenteconomics of food engineering, including the economics of alternative processes.

JOFE provides open access to anyone so that the information and findings in these articles are useful for everyone. This journal's article content can be accessed and downloaded for free, free of charge, following the creative commons license used. However, suppose the data in this article is used as material in article writing or anything else. In that case, you must quote and include the article author's name in the item being made.

Creative Commons License
JOFE : Journal of Food Engineering is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

For further information, please contact the JOFE Journal management via email jofe@polije.ac.id

e-ISSN. 2810-0824

JOFE Incorporated with :