Produktivitas dan nilai nutrient beberapa jenis rumput di bawah naungan pohon karet
Crude protein content, Crude fiber content, Shade, Grass productionAbstract
This study aimed to determine the productivity and nutrient content of three grass
types with or without rubber trees shading. It was conducted in May-September 2020
at Sangga Buana Village, Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung and Animal Nutrition and
Food Laboratory, University of Lampung. This study used nested design with two factors
of rubber trees shaded and grass types with six replications. Both factors were shaded
conditions: N0 (land without shade) and N1 (land under rubber trees shade); and grass
types: elephant grass (A1); setaria (A2); and odot (A3). The results showed the shaded
decreased (P<0.05) leave length of each grass compared to non-shading conditions.
Grass under the shade decreased their production and odot grass showed the lowest
production (P<0.05). The number of tillers and plant height under the shade decreased
significantly (P<0.05) on elephant grass and setaria grass. Leaf width under the shade
decreased significantly (P<0.05) on setaria and odot grass. The shaded effected (P<0.05)
nutrient content on elephant grass, setaria, and odot. It was concluded that Setaria
grass (Setaria sphacelata) had the best productivity under the shaded based on yield.
The nutrient content of each grass varied depending on the ability of the grass to adapt
to shaded conditions.
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